Not all men are created equal. Case and point: D.K. Metcalf.

D.K. Metcalf, he of the 4.33 40-yard dash, 27 reps of 225 on the bench, and 40.5" vertical jump, has the diet of a madman. During a recent one-on-one with Kevin Garnett, the 6'3" 228-pound Seahawks wide receiver and Adonis said his daily regimen consists of one cup of coffee after his morning workout, several bags of candy throughout the day, and one giant meal around dinnertime.
Don't Try This at Home, Kids
It would be hilarious for an ordinary guy to see Metcalf's interview and implement this plan into his own life. There's just no possible way these eating habits can produce good results unless you have D.K.'s genetics, who seems to have been sired by Secretariat. I hope it goes without saying, but please do not shove four bags of candy down your fat, stupid gullet every day.
What if?
This kind of stuff makes you wonder what Metcalf is capable of. What if he had a top-notch nutritional plan to go along with his elite genes and work ethic? Could he break Usain Bolt's record in the 100-meter dash? Could be the next Ashton Eaton in the decathlon? Could he go for 2,000 receiving yards? Who knows with this guy? It sounds weird, but I'm excited for him to get a little older just to see what he can do when he inevitably refines his diet, while still having most or all of that freakish athleticism.
He could also just keep eating gummy bears for the rest of his career and end up in Canton. No sweat.