Those bashing the latest Texas Chainsaw Massacre don't get the franchise.

The Reviews are in...
Texas Chainsaw Massacre was recently unleashed on Netflix only to be subjected to a ravaging of its own. Critics and audiences alike absolutely butchered the latest Leatherface installment, but the harsh criticism is puzzling. The annihilation from the former is more palatable, but the insanely low ratings from the latter are frankly baffling. Previous entries in the franchise (including the 1974 original) are not high art, but they are entertaining horror flicks that encourage the viewer to shut their brain off for 90 minutes and enjoy. The storyline is secondary to the atmospheric tension and grisly slayings. The newest film is no different.
Critics Moving the Goalposts
Texas Chainsaw Massacre wastes no time getting down to business as it delivers the highest body count the series has seen while also showcasing the most clever, gruesome kills. The lightning-quick pace is bolstered by strong sound design and excellent special effects. It has no qualms about serving up exactly what it promises…pure, utter carnage. The knocks on acting, plot, and writing are somewhat warranted but for the most part, also irrelevant. When the standard shifted from brutal slasher that emphasizes gory executions above all else to The Shawshank Redemption is a mystery. While everyone else complains, this Leatherface-loving reviewer will take another sequel that uses the same formula…you know what? Make that two.