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5 Expectations for Silo Season 3

Sheehan Planas-Arteaga

Season 2 of Silo ended with shock and awe, leaving viewers eager for more.

Silo is a must-watch show, and it's only going to get better.

Seasons 1 and 2 of Silo are streamable on Apple TV+

Silo on Apple TV+ is one of the most streamed shows at the moment, and for good reason. The post-apocalyptic sci-fi series, which is based off a book series written by Hugh Howey, just wrapped up its second season with a bang. 

The concept, where all of humanity lives underground in a silo-type structure after some sort of disaster wiped nearly everyone out and made the outside world unlivable, hooked me from the jump. I watched the first season not knowing anything about the book series, but loved it so much I decided to plow through them before the second season began. 

The first season is far more faithful to the source material than the second. However, most of the main plot points remain the same-ish. So I would say I kinddd of know what’s going to happen, and am eager to see this spellbinding story come to life. 

Without giving much away, here are a handful of things to expect in Season 3, which will probably drop some time next year:



Less Juliette

Silo is a must-watch show, and it's only going to get better.

Sorry, but Juliette should not be the main character next season. Congressman Donald Keene, whom we meet in the final scene of Season 2, will likely be the star for a while. At times, I found myself getting a bit bored of the conflicts this past season. Once you read the books and understand the true scale of this story, all of the things like fighting in the down deep and struggles against Bernard become trivial. The rabbit hole goes far, far deeper than what we’ve been shown to this point. 

However, the introduction of Congressman Keene shows that the showrunners are finally going to start zooming out a bit. All things considered, he is a far more important character than Juliette. He’s still not the most important; we haven’t met the true top dogs yet. But he’s important, and maybe the story's most interesting character.

Don’t worry, you’ll still get your helping of Rebecca Ferguson kicking ass and solving problems as Juliette. But not as much. 


Silo is, in many ways, a political thriller. You should have gathered a bit of that when they dropped you in Washington D.C. to close out Season 2. Rest assured, you will soon understand how big a role foreign relations and military strategy is, both of which helped create this hellscape of a world. Practically every single word of that restaurant scene is important, so if you really want to glean any clues about the rest of the series, look no further. 

Lukas Kyle’s Moment

Silo is a must-watch show, and it's only going to get better.

Lukas became a key character as the season wore on, but he would have been far more important if they followed Hugh Howey’s story more closely. I can only assume his day in the sun is coming (no pun intended…or was it?). His role is a massive one, as he is meant to rub shoulders with the most vital characters in this universe. 


Death is difficult to predict in Silo, even for me. Juliette’s father, Dr. Pete Nichols, makes it all the way to the end in the books, as their complicated relationship evolves as the story goes on. Alas, he blew himself up in the Season 2 finale in order to prevent the raiders from ascending the stairs. The entire Judge Meadows storyline, which ended with her death at the hands of Bernard, was also a show-only thing. 

But I would have to imagine certain people are going down, people you might’ve grown to like. This is not a nice or forgiving world, and to put it lightly, the characters we know are fighting with sticks, while the characters we’ve yet to meet are fighting with AK-47s. I’m not saying to avoid getting attached to them in the way you did in Game of Thrones, but more people will fall than have so far. 

More Sci-Fi

To this point, there isn’t much that seems impossible about Silo. You don’t have to suspend your disbelief much, as the technology is mostly recognizable to us and no one seems to have any unique abilities. This will change, as there are one or two elements of this massive, centuries-spanning chronicle that help tie it all together. We will probably see some of this next season, and one of these futuristic features has been mentioned by a character, almost in passing. I won’t say who or when, but it’s been discussed...

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